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Monique Malfroy Camine
24 Allée Des Mésanges
Messimy Sur Saône


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Description for B&B:

There are two spacious double rooms that can be paired together, a cozy lounge area, a separate bathroom, and a private toilet. The property also features a beautiful park spanning 3000 square meters with a swimming pool. Additionally, guests can enjoy having breakfast served in the reception area, which boasts a large window and measures 55 square meters.


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Take the A6 highway towards Belleville and follow the D17 road towards Chatillon/Chalaronne for about 1.3km. In the traffic circle, take the first right onto the road towards Trevoux (D933) and continue straight for 5km until you reach Messimy. Just before the gas station, turn right and face the church. Take the road towards Saône and at the first intersection, turn right onto the Road of the Ford. Then, take the first left onto n°77. You will find a black gate at the end of the path.




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