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Nicole Martin-cordier
La Bardelière


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Price per night:

price from €58



Description for B&B:

Explore our picturesque region known as "Plains and Hills." Nicole and Marc have transformed an enchanting old barn into a cozy haven nestled amidst lush pastures. Here, you can savor breathtaking panoramic vistas of the majestic Chartreuse, Savoy, and the Bugey mountains. Immerse yourself in a tranquil and inviting atmosphere, where we provide the utmost comfort to help you unwind and rejuvenate.


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  • Château de Virieu: Located in Virieu, just a short drive from La Bardelière, Château de Virieu is a stunning castle dating back to the 13th century. Visitors can explore the castle's well-preserved rooms, beautiful gardens, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Lac d'Aiguebelette: Situated in the heart of the Savoie region, Lac d'Aiguebelette is a picturesque lake known for its crystal-clear waters, sandy beaches, and tranquil atmosphere. Tourists can indulge in various water activities like swimming, paddleboarding, and kayaking, or simply relax and soak up the scenic surroundings.
  • Musée Gallo-Romain d'Aoste: This archaeological museum in Aoste showcases the rich Roman history of the region. Visitors can explore the remains of a Roman villa, view ancient artifacts, and learn about the daily life of the Romans through interactive exhibits.
  • Walibi Rhône-Alpes: Located in Les Avenières, Walibi Rhône-Alpes is a popular amusement park offering a wide range of thrilling rides, live shows, and entertainment options for all ages. From roller coasters to water slides, this park guarantees a fun-filled day for tourists seeking an adrenaline rush.
  • Chartreuse Natural Park: Situated just a short distance from La Bardelière, the Chartreuse Natural Park is a haven for nature lovers. With its lush forests, scenic hiking trails, and diverse wildlife, it offers a perfect escape for outdoor enthusiasts. The park is also home to the Grande Chartreuse Monastery, where visitors can explore the tranquil surroundings and learn about the Carthusian monks.
  • Château de Montfleury: Nestled in the town of Montfleury, this charming castle dates back to the 13th century and offers a glimpse into medieval architecture. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, courtyards, and gardens, and learn about its fascinating history through guided tours.
  • Musée de la Grande Chartreuse: Located near the Grande Chartreuse Monastery, this museum showcases the history and traditions of the Carthusian order. Visitors can discover the art of distillation used to create Chartreuse liqueur, learn about the daily life of the monks, and explore the museum's extensive collection of religious artifacts.
  • Château de Bressieux: Situated in Bressieux, this medieval fortress dates back to the 11th century and offers a fascinating glimpse into the region's history. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, ramparts, and underground dungeons, and enjoy panoramic views from the top.
  • Domaine des Fauves: Located in Les Abrets, this wildlife park is home to a variety of exotic animals, including tigers, lions, bears, and monkeys. Visitors can take a guided tour to learn about the different species and observe them in their natural habitat. 10. Musée d'Histoire du Pays Voironnais: Situated in Voiron, this local history museum offers a comprehensive overview of the region's heritage. Visitors can explore exhibits showcasing the area's industrial past, traditional crafts, and archaeological discoveries. These attractions provide a diverse range of experiences, from historical sites to natural wonders, ensuring that tourists near La Bardelière have plenty of options to explore and enjoy.

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