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Christine Masson
18 Chemin des Gillards
Ars Sur Formans


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €64





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Description for B&B:

There are four cozy rooms available, each equipped with a bathroom and toilet, TV, WiFi, and a shaded terrace. Additionally, guests will have their own separate entrance, ensuring privacy from the homeowners.


Appréciations pour Le Clos de Mady, Ars Sur Formans:

Trés agréable séjour.
Review by: Coste Jean-Claude, Aou 15 2016 3:24PM
Un accueil chaleureux...un hébergement de qualité...un petit déjeuner bien fourni tout cela nous a rendu le séjour du week-end du 15 août 2016 plus que réussi
Nous en remercions de tout cur la "patronne" Mme CHRISTINE
Accueil très sympathique!
Review by: Cedric, Aou 19 2014 2:49PM
Nous avons décidé au dernier moment de faire une halte sur le retour de nos vacances. Les prévisions de circulation pour notre retour en Belgique étaient exécrables (week-end 16&17 août 2014!!!).
Le but premier était de trouver une chambre d'hôte à petit prix et de rentrer le lendemain sans les bouchons... Nous avons été très bien accueilli au téléphone ainsi que sur place (ce qui devient de plus en plus rare). La chambre est tout à fait convenable, propre, le matelas de bonne composition et la douche très agréable. Le petit déjeuner était correct avec des confitures "maison"...le tout pour 85 tout compris pour 3 personnes!!! En d'autres termes, cette adresse est a recommander pour les voyageurs qui souhaitent sarrêter dans un endroit convenable, sans superflu à proximité d'une autoroute et au-dessus de Lyon...
Response from property:
Merci beaucoup nous gardons un très bon souvenir de votre passage, bien cordialement. Christine et Fred

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After traveling 8 kilometers from the highway, head towards Bourg en Bresse. You will then come across clear and noticeable signage guiding you to the village of the Curé of Ars.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 64 79 17
(3 pers.)
3 84 89


Animals Allowed


  • Basilique d'Ars-sur-Formans: Located in the village of Ars-sur-Formans, this basilica is a major pilgrimage site dedicated to Saint Jean-Marie Vianney, the patron saint of parish priests. The basilica houses the remains of the saint and displays various religious artifacts.
  • Parc des Oiseaux: Situated in Villars-les-Dombes, this bird park is home to over 3,000 birds from around the world. Visitors can explore the park's various aviaries and enjoy bird shows, educational exhibits, and beautiful landscapes.
  • Pérouges: A medieval town located about 10 kilometers from Ars-sur-Formans, Pérouges is known for its well-preserved architecture and charming cobblestone streets. Visitors can wander through the town's fortified walls, admire the half-timbered houses, and enjoy local cuisine in the traditional restaurants.
  • Cité Internationale de la Gastronomie: Situated in Lyon, approximately 35 kilometers away, this museum celebrates the culinary heritage of France. Visitors can learn about the history and culture of French gastronomy through interactive exhibits, workshops, and tastings.
  • Parc de la Tête d'Or: Located in Lyon, Parc de la Tête d'Or is one of the largest urban parks in France. It offers beautiful gardens, a large lake, a zoo, and various recreational activities such as boating, cycling, and picnicking.
  • Musée des Confluences: Situated at the confluence of the Rhône and Saône rivers in Lyon, this striking museum focuses on natural sciences, anthropology, and civilizations. Its modern architecture and diverse exhibitions make it an intriguing destination for cultural exploration.
  • Musée Miniature et Cinéma: In Lyon's historic district, this unique museum showcases an extensive collection of miniatures and props from famous films. Visitors can marvel at the intricate craftsmanship and explore the world of special effects in cinema.
  • La Dombes: A picturesque region located east of Ars-sur-Formans, La Dombes is known for its numerous lakes, wetlands, and bird sanctuaries. Nature enthusiasts can enjoy bird-watching, boat rides, and peaceful walks in this serene environment.
  • Château de Fléchères: Situated near Fareins, this elegant 17th-century castle is surrounded by beautiful gardens and parkland. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the castle's opulent interiors, stroll through the landscaped grounds, and learn about its rich history. 10. Musée de la Bresse-Domaine des Planons: Located in Saint-Cyr-sur-Menthon, this museum showcases the heritage and traditional way of life in the Bresse region. It exhibits artifacts related to farming, crafts, and rural traditions, offering insights into the local culture. Please note that distances provided are approximate and may vary based on the specific route taken.

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