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Olivier Petit
354 Chemin de la Fauge
Villard de Lans


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Price per night:

price from €120






Description for B&B:

The residence is located 500 meters above the village and has undergone a complete renovation, while retaining its original structure. Each apartment has been meticulously designed and renovated, offering four real two-bedroom furnished units, complete with kitchens and bathrooms. Ranging from 42 to 46 square meters, these fully equipped apartments boast a charming wooden interior decoration. Moreover, they offer breathtaking views of the south, with a panoramic outlook over the Vercors high plateau and the majestic snow-capped summit. It's like living in a picturesque postcard! Additionally, the residence is conveniently situated at the starting point of numerous hiking trails, eliminating the need for a car. Furthermore, animals are welcome to stay as well.


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Continue on the freeway until reaching Lyon or Valence, then proceed towards Grenoble and eventually reach Villard de Lans.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: flat and not room
Notes: flat and not room
Apartment 6 175 1050 50 oui


Disabled Access
Animals Allowed


  • Villard de Lans: Located in the Vercors Regional Natural Park, Villard de Lans is a charming mountain village known for its outdoor activities. Enjoy skiing, snowboarding, hiking, and mountain biking in the area. The village itself offers a cozy atmosphere with shops, restaurants, and cafes.
  • Les Grottes de Choranche: Situated about 15 km from Villard de Lans, Les Grottes de Choranche is a network of stunning limestone caves. Explore the underground formations, stalactites, and stalagmites, and learn about the geological history of the area. Guided tours are available.
  • Parc Naturel Régional du Vercors: As one of the largest regional parks in France, the Parc Naturel Régional du Vercors offers breathtaking natural landscapes and diverse wildlife. Enjoy hiking, cycling, and rock climbing while admiring the beauty of the Vercors Mountains.
  • Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation de l'Isère: Located in Grenoble, approximately 30 km from Villard de Lans, this museum showcases the history of the French Resistance and the deportation during World War II. Explore the exhibits, photographs, and personal stories that shed light on this important period in history.
  • Grenoble-Bastille Cable Car: Take a ride on the Grenoble-Bastille Cable Car, which connects Grenoble to the Bastille Fortress. Enjoy panoramic views of the city and the surrounding mountains as you ascend to the fortress. Once there, explore the fortifications, visit the exhibitions, and enjoy the stunning views.
  • Jardin des Fontaines Pétrifiantes: Situated in La Sône, approximately 40 km from Villard de Lans, the Jardin des Fontaines Pétrifiantes is a unique garden where limestone formations are created by the petrifying properties of the water. Take a guided tour to learn about the process and stroll through the beautiful gardens.
  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: Located in Hauterives, about 80 km from Villard de Lans, the Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval is a remarkable example of outsider art. Built by a postman over a period of 33 years, this whimsical palace is adorned with intricate sculptures and mosaics, making it a must-see attraction.
  • Musée de Grenoble: Situated in Grenoble, the Musée de Grenoble is a renowned art museum housing an impressive collection of paintings, sculptures, and artifacts. Explore works by famous artists such as Picasso, Monet, and Matisse, and learn about the history of art through the museum's diverse exhibitions.
  • Château de Sassenage: Located in Sassenage, approximately 25 km from Villard de Lans, the Château de Sassenage is a beautiful castle dating back to the 17th century. Take a guided tour to discover its rich history, explore the elegant interior, and enjoy the picturesque surroundings. 10. Fort de la Bastille: Situated in Grenoble, the Fort de la Bastille is a historic fortress overlooking the city. Reach it by taking the Grenoble-Bastille Cable Car or hiking up the trails. Explore the fort's underground passages, enjoy stunning views of the city, and visit the museum to learn about its military past.

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