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Françoise Culioli
132 Chemin Des Enselmes


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Price per night:

price from €206





Description for B&B:

Françoise and Dominique extend a warm family-like welcome, inviting you to experience the joy they felt while envisioning the beautiful decor of their rooms and the entire house. They have artfully combined colors, whimsical touches, antique furniture, and a contemporary flair. Situated at an altitude of 520 meters, our house is conveniently located just 5 km away from the highway access.


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If you are coming from Lyon, Chambéry, or Grenoble, take the A43 and exit at exit 9. At the roundabout, make a right turn onto the D51 road towards Sainte Blandine. Continue straight through Sainte Blandine and follow the signs for Montagnieu. Just before reaching the village, you will come across a picnic area. At this point, look for signs indicating Gite de France and turn left. If you are using GPS, the coordinates are Latitude 45.53444444 and Longitude 5.458694444.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 206 206 358 358 17


Swimming Pool


  • Le Village Médiéval de Crémieu: Located approximately 10 km northwest of Montagnieu, this charming medieval village offers visitors a glimpse into the past with its well-preserved architecture, cobblestone streets, and historic landmarks such as the Saint John Baptist Church and the Château de Crémieu.
  • La Balme Caves: Situated around 15 km northeast of Montagnieu, these caves are a natural wonder with fascinating rock formations and underground lakes. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the spacious chambers and learn about the geological history of the site.
  • Lac de Paladru: A beautiful lake located about 25 km southeast of Montagnieu, Lac de Paladru is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. It offers opportunities for swimming, boating, fishing, and picnicking, surrounded by picturesque landscapes and sandy beaches.
  • Château de Virieu: Situated approximately 30 km southwest of Montagnieu, this stunning castle dates back to the 11th century. With its impressive architecture and well-manicured gardens, it provides a glimpse into the region's rich history. Guided tours are available, allowing visitors to explore the castle's interior and learn about its past.
  • Walibi Rhône-Alpes: Located around 40 km northwest of Montagnieu, this amusement park is a fun-filled attraction for families. It offers a variety of thrilling rides, water slides, shows, and entertainment options suitable for all ages.
  • Musée de la Chaussure - Romans: Situated approximately 45 km south of Montagnieu in the town of Romans-sur-Isère, this museum showcases the history and art of shoemaking. Visitors can explore various exhibits displaying different shoe styles throughout the centuries and learn about the local shoe industry.
  • Parc Naturel Régional du Pilat: Situated about 50 km west of Montagnieu, this regional park offers breathtaking natural landscapes, including forests, mountains, and panoramic viewpoints. It is an ideal destination for hiking, cycling, and enjoying the tranquility of nature.
  • Musée de Grenoble: Located approximately 50 km northwest of Montagnieu in the city of Grenoble, this renowned art museum houses a vast collection of artworks from different periods. From ancient to contemporary art, visitors can admire paintings, sculptures, and other artistic masterpieces.
  • Château de Vizille: Situated around 55 km northwest of Montagnieu, this castle is known as the "Château of the Revolution" due to its historical significance during the French Revolution. It now houses the Musée de la Révolution Française, where visitors can learn about this pivotal period in French history. 10. Parc Naturel Régional de Chartreuse: Located approximately 60 km northeast of Montagnieu, this regional park is characterized by its mountainous landscapes, lush forests, and pristine lakes. It offers numerous outdoor activities such as hiking, rock climbing, and skiing in the winter months.

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