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Contact Details:


Léa Gavard
12 Allee Des Genêts


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Price per night:

price from €65


04 76 00 09 75


06 73 89 18 70


Description for B&B:

Experience the exceptional advantages of residing in this enormous seaside residence. Our utmost priority is to enhance your stay and provide guidance in your utmost satisfaction. Rest assured, the property is safeguarded by a diligent night watchman, as well as the owners, and fortified with state-of-the-art security systems. Nestled within a peaceful village, only a 10-minute drive from Monastir, this secure apartment on the upper floor offers a tranquil retreat. The caring owner and caretaker are readily available on the ground floor to cater to your needs.


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We will be happy to pick you up from the airport. However, if you prefer to rent a car, please inform us in advance, and we will gladly make a reservation for you to ensure it is available upon your arrival.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 65 85 10
(3 pers.)
1 90 110




  • Bastille Hill: Located just a few kilometers from the given address, Bastille Hill is a historic fortress offering stunning panoramic views of Grenoble and the surrounding mountains. Visitors can reach the hilltop by taking a cable car or hiking up the scenic trails.
  • Musée de Grenoble: Situated in the heart of Grenoble, Musée de Grenoble is an art museum known for its impressive collection of European paintings, sculptures, and artifacts. It showcases works of renowned artists such as Monet, Picasso, and Matisse.
  • Parc Paul Mistral: A beautiful urban park located near the city center, Parc Paul Mistral offers a tranquil escape with its lush green spaces, tree-lined avenues, and a large pond. It is a perfect spot for picnics, leisurely walks, and outdoor activities.
  • Jardin des Dauphins: Known as the Garden of the Dolphins, this charming botanical garden is situated close to the address mentioned. It features a wide variety of plant species, including roses, magnolias, and exotic flowers, making it an ideal place for nature lovers.
  • Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation de l'Isère: This museum is dedicated to the history of the French Resistance and the deportation of Jews and political opponents during World War II. It provides an insightful narrative through various exhibits, photographs, and personal testimonies.
  • Palais des Sports: A multi-purpose indoor arena, Palais des Sports hosts various sporting events, concerts, and exhibitions. It is a popular venue for ice hockey matches, basketball games, and major concerts, attracting both locals and tourists.
  • Téléphérique de Grenoble-Bastille: The Grenoble-Bastille Cable Car is an iconic attraction that connects the city center to the Bastille Hill. Offering breathtaking views during the ascent, it is one of the oldest urban cable cars in the world and provides a unique perspective of Grenoble.
  • Musée de l'Ancien Évêché: Housed in a former bishop's palace, this museum showcases the history and heritage of Grenoble and its region. It features archaeological artifacts, medieval paintings, and interactive displays, allowing visitors to delve into the city's past.
  • Stade des Alpes: Located a short distance away, Stade des Alpes is a modern stadium primarily used for rugby and football matches. It is home to the Grenoble Foot 38 football club and occasionally hosts concerts and other events. 10. La Casamaures: Situated on the outskirts of Grenoble, La Casamaures is a unique architectural gem inspired by the Alhambra in Granada, Spain. Visitors can explore the beautifully adorned interiors and gardens of this 19th-century orientalist structure, which is often described as a hidden treasure.

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