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Christine Collet
71 rue Principale


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Price per night:

price from €60






Description for B&B:

Welcome to the new home of Christine and Daniel COLLET. Our home is spacious and bright, with a separate entrance and a large bed for two people. You will also enjoy our beautiful and highly functional bathroom, featuring a walk-in shower and toilet. From our room, you can admire the breathtaking view of the plain of Bresse, as our village is situated at the foot of Revermont.

Start your day off right with a delicious breakfast, featuring homemade products, which can be served in our dining room or outside on sunny days. Cuisiat, our charming village, is located at an altitude of 340m, just 18kms north-east of Bourg en Bresse. It is the perfect starting point for many scenic walks that begin from the village square.

Explore the Museum of Revermont, where you can discover the rich history of the region and explore the garden conservatory, complete with an orchard and vegetable garden. For outdoor enthusiasts, the leisure area of La Grange du Pin, located just 2kms away, offers a lake for swimming, fishing, hiking, and camping. Additionally, nearby Mount Myon, one of the highest peaks of Revermont (663m), provides a stunning panoramic view and is a popular spot for paragliders.


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(2 pers.)
1 60 60 0ui




  • Musée du Revermont: Located in nearby Cuisiat, Musée du Revermont is a museum dedicated to showcasing the history and heritage of the Revermont region. It features exhibits on archaeology, local crafts, rural life, and art.
  • Abbey of Saint-Amour: Situated in the town of Saint-Amour, this ancient abbey dates back to the 11th century. Visitors can explore the beautiful Romanesque architecture, admire the stunning stained glass windows, and learn about the abbey's rich history.
  • Lac de Vouglans: Located a short drive away in the Jura Mountains, Lac de Vouglans is a picturesque reservoir offering various recreational activities. Visitors can enjoy swimming, boating, fishing, and hiking along the lake's scenic trails.
  • Château de Treffort: This historic castle is situated in the heart of Treffort-Cuisiat. Dating back to the 13th century, the Château de Treffort showcases a blend of medieval and Renaissance architectural styles. Although the castle is privately owned, it is still worth admiring from the outside.
  • Cascades du Hérisson: A series of stunning waterfalls located about an hour's drive away, the Cascades du Hérisson is a must-visit natural attraction. Visitors can follow the well-marked hiking trail that winds its way alongside the waterfalls, offering breathtaking views at every turn.
  • Caves of Cerdon: Situated in the village of Cerdon, the Caves of Cerdon are a fascinating underground network of caves known for their unique geological formations and prehistoric archaeological remains. Guided tours take visitors through the caves, providing insight into their history and formation.
  • Château de Ponnin: Located in the town of Polliat, Château de Ponnin is a charming Renaissance castle surrounded by lush gardens. Visitors can take a guided tour of the castle to admire its elegant interiors and learn about its historical significance.
  • Parc de Loisirs de Bouvent: Situated in Bourg-en-Bresse, this leisure park offers various recreational activities for both children and adults. It features a large lake for boating and fishing, a mini-golf course, a treetop adventure park, and picnic areas. These tourist attractions near 71 rue Principale in Treffort-Cuisiat offer a mix of cultural, historical, natural, and recreational experiences, ensuring there is something for everyone to enjoy.

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